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Bailey Spares

We have always tried to treat both our son and daughter the same. Like some of you we also try to give similar amounts of presents but within the same value give or take a few dollars (pounds) Now we have a daughter in law she gets equal treatment with our kids.
So Edd 12 if you are strange and unusual so are we so we have that in common and I think that's just fine. Cheers.
My 2 girls (15 and 12) don't seem to bother at all about not really doing Bailey spares xmas pressies.
So Edd 12 if you are strange and unusual so are we so we have that in common and I think that's just fine. Cheers.
My 2 girls (15 and 12) don't seem to bother at all about not really doing Bailey spares xmas pressies.
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Bailey Motorhome Spare Parts
I never wait to get them things or put things away, I always feel lifes too short and they get a fuss made of them all year round especially on their birthdays feel really proud of them, they've both made a point of saying to me within the past week how miserable and stressed everyone looks doing xmas shopping and how happy they are we don't bother I think its really brought it home to them more as they have got older.
I've offered to put up some Bailey caravan replacement windows and Bailey motorhome spare parts lights and decorations but they said don't bother they're more looking forward to getting ready made food as mum will be going to Iceland again and having a laugh together doing karaoke.
I've offered to put up some Bailey caravan replacement windows and Bailey motorhome spare parts lights and decorations but they said don't bother they're more looking forward to getting ready made food as mum will be going to Iceland again and having a laugh together doing karaoke.
Bailey Ranger Caravan Parts
Well I am really proud of Bailey Ranger caravan parts, spotted something in Tesco for the youngest when we were out today. Didn't get it because Argos have the toy promotion running and I have gift voucher to use up. Before ordering I googled the item and found I could get it £30 cheaper at additions direct.
They are also running a 3 for 2 offer so bought a couple of other items one discounted by £15 and one full price. Feeling quite pleased with myself that I had saved £63, I googled promotion codes and found.
They are also running a 3 for 2 offer so bought a couple of other items one discounted by £15 and one full price. Feeling quite pleased with myself that I had saved £63, I googled promotion codes and found.
Bailey Caravan Tap Spares
I always keep a watchful eye for Bailey caravan tap spares throughout the year that anything they get is hopefully measured out equally though.
We always try and spend the same on our Three Son's even though the eldest is now 20 and in Uni. The other Two are 14 and 12. I think it's only fair. I will stop when he get's married or sets up home on his own. Find it easier to put a cheque in the post and then go away caravanning for Xmas. Works a treat.
We always try and spend the same on our Three Son's even though the eldest is now 20 and in Uni. The other Two are 14 and 12. I think it's only fair. I will stop when he get's married or sets up home on his own. Find it easier to put a cheque in the post and then go away caravanning for Xmas. Works a treat.
Bailey Pageant Spares
I didn't have that Bailey Pageant spares prob I only have one daughter but I make sure the same amount is spent on my two grand kids.
It deff makes sense to spend about the same, I think its a bit strange this year I have noticed quite a few luxury things starting to drop, In my opinion Christmas is just propping things up a little, Come Jan sales and after what a buyers market there is going to be! As things really start to bite.
It deff makes sense to spend about the same, I think its a bit strange this year I have noticed quite a few luxury things starting to drop, In my opinion Christmas is just propping things up a little, Come Jan sales and after what a buyers market there is going to be! As things really start to bite.
Bailey Ranger Spares
What Bailey Ranger spares do you have on Christmas dinner. Do you have a traditional turkey or do you go for Pork or Beef. I think turkeys are very dry so we have Beef Mmmmmm I can taste it now and afters we have Christmas pud swilled down with Newcastle Brown Ale.
Always have a Turkey my wife likes everything traditional at Christmas but when she does it I must admit it is lovely and never dry, we used to have a full xmas dinner but now its the only day that the kids get to stuff them selves with chocolate selection boxes by the dozen ones there gone there gone. It saves feeding the bin.
Always have a Turkey my wife likes everything traditional at Christmas but when she does it I must admit it is lovely and never dry, we used to have a full xmas dinner but now its the only day that the kids get to stuff them selves with chocolate selection boxes by the dozen ones there gone there gone. It saves feeding the bin.
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